Vibration damper Type BM

Vibration damper for industrial machinery diesel generators

Schwingungsdämpfer Motoren Maschinen

Vibration damper type BM: The noise and vibration blocker

The BM is ideal for machines and equipment that require very high vibration damping. It reliably eliminates noise problems and at the same time proves to be highly resilient. Its robust construction and ability to absorb shocks up to 5g complement its excellent insulation properties. The BM is also available with tear-off protection on request.

Schwingungsdämpfer Wärme- und Stromerzeuger
Schwingungsdämpfer Wärme- und Stromerzeuger

Perfect for high performance damping:

Application examples:

Technical drawing

3D view

Technical data

Schwingungsdämpfer STS Schwingungstechnik

Load diagrams